Friday, August 29, 2008

Irradiated Lettuce and Spinach - OK?!?

Beware of produce or food products bearing this symbol - It is the radura symbol, which represents food has been irradiated.

The symbol RADURA is used as a symbol of quality exclusively for food processed by ionizing radiation - the controversial practice of infiltrating food with high levels of x-rays (ionizing radiation) to destroy disease causing pathogens. Unfortunately, in the process of irradiation, other hazards arise, like the creation of toxic free radicals, vitamin and nutrient loss, and the formation of carcinogenic chemicals.

The FDA has approved, this week, the production and sale of irradiated lettuce and spinach on all conventional produce, and will be available at your local markets Mid-September.

The labeling is required in supermarkets, although does not include restaurants.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Simple Foresight

There is an emergence on the horizon.
It is the green revolution.

You may have heard of it.
But, are not quite sure what it means.

It is the dawning of a new Epoch.

A revolution, a state of living.

It will be the New Future.

It will encompass our way of life,
our architecture,
and design.

Written on December 14, 2005
N. Astrid Lindo

© Copyright and Property of Astrid Design Studio 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Look beyond the now

We are currently living through fascinating times....
beneath all this darkness and chaos.

Our global population and our technologies have reached unprecedented levels, we consume more resources than global ecosystems can regenerate, and we have nowhere else to go.

Our solution is a deep culture change - a change in technology, behavior and world view.

We are the solutions in all these areas. It is up to us to decide how to use the knowledge we have.

We have created a culture of alienation. We perceive ourselves as separate from the larger and smaller ecosystems (the Earth and our bodies), and when we act out of this view - which is not aligned with reality - we experience uncomfortable consequences.

Harmony, within our place in this world, is our natural and innate way of being.
Reconnecting with this sense - is our progression.

Biodiversity, conservation, and the traditions and customs of the past are being found again. We are no longer part of
the great forgetting or a disposal society.

We are creating activities that deepen our awareness and intimacy with the rest of the natural world.

There is a Tewa saying ...
To look to the mountain

© Copyright and Property of Astrid Design Studio 2008